Feeling a Little Flushed…

Trump claims Americans have to flush the toilet ’10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once’


Ok…here’s my theory.

1) We all know the steady diet of junk food he consumes. Buckets of fried chicken, Big Macs, taco bowls,  two scoops of ice cream with cake. I don’t believe the man ever ate a vegetable or piece of fruit in his life.  Frankly, it’s amazing that alone hasn’t killed him.

2)  It’s been well-established that he also pops Adderalls like M&Ms and does all kinds of other stimulants.  (He was reported to have done a lot of cocaine at least until he left Celebrity Apprentice.)  There was a photo few years back of him eating a taco bowl at his desk (to prove how  much he loves Mexicans!).  In his open desk drawer,  we could see several boxes of UK over-the-counter decongestant which is not available in this country due to additional ingredients which are addictive/illegal OTC.   Even in normal doses, these kinds of stimulants are known to cause diarrhea.  Imagine what happens when you take a lot of them, constantly.

3) According to some people who have worked with him in the past,  he has to wear Depends because he has been known to shit/shart his pants, quite believable given the above.

4)  We know that whatever he says publicly always refers to himself. In this way, he’s completely transparent.  We always know what’s going on with him by paying attention to what he accuses others of.  That’s been proven again and again.

So,  putting these clues together, I’m guessing he’s tried to flush his Depends.  Obviously, it would be humiliating for him if anyone else were to see his doody diaper  (i.e. if cleaning staff found it in a trash can.)   And it would take at least 10-15 flushes to get that down (if it went down at all).

He, of course, is blaming the low flush toilets for not being able to hide his shame, NOT that fact that (as any normal person knows), you’re not supposed to flush those things.  And he assumes, however, that what he’s doing is perfectly normal, and that everyone must have the same problem/complaint about the toilets.

Somebody ought to interview the White House plumber.  (The real plumber, not the Watergate kind.)

photo: https://www.etsy.com/listing/551495703/golden-toilet-resin-award-toilet-trophy